Thursday, February 28, 2013

Getting out of my comfort zone again!

Sunday I knew I had to go back out. I packed my bag and got in car and prayed. I went less than a mile from Weimar. There was a small mobile home community just across the highway from Weimar that I went to for maybe an hour. The very first door I went to I started talking to the man of the house and canvassing about the cookbook so he said he'd get his wife since she was the one that would like it. When she came I canvassed her and showed her the cookbook and several others and she wanted to get the cookbook almost before I could describe it to her, she really wanted to help out and for what she gave I told her that she would really like 'Peace above the Storm' as well. She said she'd like to use it in the morning with her Yoga time. :) God has a surprise for her, I just hope she doesn't see it as cliche but something new and refreshing about God! Please keep her in your prayers, thank you! 
The last door I was at was a really cool experience!!! It was an older couple and I started showing the cookbook which led me to the wife and I told her about it but she could't afford it so I showed her some of the others as she kept asking what else I had! That is one of the coolest things they will ask you! "What else do you have?" She was really curious about the Storytime children's book. She said they used to have a huge set of children's books and I showed her in the back of the cookbook and asked her if it was the Blue Bible Story books and she was excited to see that it was!! Found out they have Desire of Ages and have had connections with Adventism before and appreciate it. They know a little about Weimar but told me that the food there was kinda tasteless. lol I guess it can be sometimes. They didn't have much but decided to get Storytime for their current and upcoming grandchildren. The Lord always blesses! I am sure glad I decided to go out!

Note from a friend

Here is an encouraging note I recently received from a family I trained on the basics of canvassing a few weeks ago. Life is fun and interesting when you just step out and do stuff your not sure you can do. Challenge yourself! Honestly, I'm not the best teacher, but when I see a need or someone that wants the help, I can't help but step out and do it!

Hello Jesse,Hope all is well.Just wanted to let you know that the children went out for a couple of hours today to do their canvassing. They did well. I had thought of some other questions the neighbors may ask and was able to try to role play those this morning, but it was a learning experience and they still encountered some questionw will help them be more prepared the next time out.They were able to present 3 books and was successful mostly with the cookbook and had one obtain a Storytime. Others just gave donations.The kids were so excited and nervous all at the same time.They are ready to go again.
Thank you for jump-starting our new venture. We appreciated the time you spent with us, it was well spent, and I must tell you that my children said that your training was very helpful. 
Have a good week.

I hope those of you reading this will take the chance to step out and do something different and bold in this new year and almost new month as time is short! It's making those memories and experiences that make life rich and interesting!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weimar California Canvassing

I am currently here at Weimar Center of Health & Education working in their media department. Last Sunday I  got the chance to teach the basics of canvassing to a family from one of the nearby churches, and I was so pumped up afterwards I told myself I had to go out and do some canvassing. So I did!! I went out for probably an hour and a half just before sundown and canvassed a small gravel road and was able to get 2 books out, a cookbook, and several drop downs! I started talking to an older gentleman in his garage driveway and he turned out to be a catholic. I showed him quite a few of the books we had and he ended up deciding to get 'Seven Secrets' and 'Storytime'. and he said, "can I just give you a check for 40?" I said, "sure." He grabbed his checkbook then said, "ah, I'll just write 50." I ended up making 70 dollars that day. And I had recently been praying and worrying that I needed more money for gas to be able to keep going in college here, and the Lord led me out to get out there and just do it! So, the focus here isn't so much the money as the fact that the Lord wants to bless you when you get active and do your part. I also talked with a younger mom and showed her several of the books over her fence. She said she couldn't afford the cookbook so I told her she could get one of the smaller books for just 10 and she said she could help with that. So I waited and when she came back I had noticed a slight interest in 'Peace Above the Storm' so I pulled that one back out and told her a little about it then said we had another one that was quite similar and I pulled out 'Man of Peace' (Desire of Ages) and began to share about it and in the end she was so excited to get 'Man of Peace' and said she would be reading it. It is always exciting to share these books that expound the plan of salvation!!!

Washington Youth Rush 2011 Summer Skit

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Upper Columbia Conference Youth Rush 2011 Skit

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Idaho Youth Rush 2011 Summer Skit

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